Notice of Board of Directors Nominations 2015

13th May 2015 - Uncategorized


Board of Directors Elections 2015


In accordance with clause’s 31 and 32 of the Club’s Constitution nominations are called for the following Board positions:

Finance Director         Term 3 Years

Director                           Term 2 Years

Director                           Term 2 Years

Any two (2) financial members of the general body of members and reserved members of the Club shall be able to nominate a member eligible under sub-clause 30.1 to serve as a Director of the Club.

For ease of reference, sub-clause 30.1 reads:

The Board of Directors shall be the President, Vice-President, Captain, Vice-Captain and Financial Director elected from Seven (7) Day, Life and Veteran members of the Club and four (4) other members elected from the general body of members of the Club.

Before the close of business on Monday, 1st June 2015 the name of each member so nominated together with the names of the proposer and seconder shall be sent in writing to the Manager of the Club accompanied by a memorandum signed by the candidate consenting to serve if elected and a brief resume and a statement of the candidates policy intentions.

Kind Regards

Leigh Crang


On behalf of the Board of Directors

Rossdale Golf Club

12th May 2015

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