Member Update COVID 19 – March 19th
Dear Members,
On Wednesday, March 18 the Australian Government announced that all non-essential indoor gatherings of 100 or more would be banned. At present, it remains Golf Australia’s recommendation to clubs and facilities that advice from the Australian Government’s Department of Health should be monitored closely over the coming days and weeks, as well as the Australian Government’s Smartraveller website. It is anticipated that advice will continue to change from day to day.
Previous correspondence provided to Rossdale members from Golf Australia for members, guests and staff is listed below for reference.
Not surprisingly this recent announcement will have a significant impact on clubhouse operations for many golf clubs and facilities. Further recommendations state that clubs and facilities who – during the course of regular clubhouse operations – often have 100 or more people within their clubhouse at any given time now put in place alternative operational plans.
Today, the Rossdale operational team leaders met to discuss what is in the best interest of the long term health and safety of both members and staff. The main objective being that all members safely continue to enjoy playing golf during this period.
As a result, various changes to the club services will be implemented immediately.
Changes to regular operations include:
- Playing guests and visitors to the golf course will not be permitted. Current bookings and social groups will be honoured. However, no new bookings will be taken. Guests and visitors are welcome during restaurant hours, however the Department of Health guidelines relating to travel and saftey are expected to be maintained.
- Hand santisers (Once made available) will be placed around the clubhouse and service areas. Members are encouraged to bring their own where possible.
- Cash Transactions will no longer occur, with “pay way” or member accounts the only acceptable form of payment
- Signage will be displayed in “high volume” service areas to remind members of social distancing
- Members to use their member number in place of handing over member cards
- Table items such as salt and pepper shakers, cutlery, communal condiment stations and water stations on bars will be removed
- All members are asked to enter and exit the venue via the automatic doors only. Locker room doors on the interior of the venue will remain locked
- No hand shaking
- Golf course toilets are to only be used in the event of an emergency. The operation team will do their best to maintain a safe environment. However, the club’s preference is that all members and players utilise the facilities in the clubhouse. Not the golf course.
- Members are requested to stop exchanging coins as betting on competition days.
- All shared member items such as pens, sun creams, towels, hand paper, hairbrushes and combs, hair gel and hair dryers are to be removed from locker rooms
- Table and chair placings will take into account the 1.5 metre social distancing recommendations.
Other items to be implemented per department
Golf Course
�?�· All bunker rakes are to be removed with all course bunkers to be treated as preferred lies as per the club local rule
�?�· Water fountains on course to be removed. Members are asked to remain hydrated by bringing their own bottle of water
�?�· Ball washers on the course will be removed.
�?�· Members are not to remove the flag when putting
�?�· The course team will divide into two teams working split shifts. This will help to mitigate against transmission throughout the entire course team
Pro Shop
Ã??Ã?· One tee starts will commence from Monday 23rd. This is designed to “spread the field” and minimise the number of members utilising the clubhouse at any one time
�?�· Cards will be printed for members in the Pro Shop each day
Ã??Ã?· Members are requested to score their own card and confirm the score with their “marker” prior to marking the score on each hole.
�?�· Members are to return their card to the box on the Pro Shop desk. Staff will then enter all scores.
�?�· The number of chairs allocated to certain areas will be limited to ensure social spacing. The smoking areas will be divided into two areas located on the member decking area and the function decking area.
�?�· The member deck will be reduced to 30 chairs.
�?�· The member lounge area will be reduced to 40 chairs
�?�· The function area will be reduced to 40 chairs
�?�· Friday night members draw, happy hour and raffles will be postponed effective immediately
�?�· Thursday night bookings will be capped at 70 patrons
�?�· Friday night bookings will be capped 50 patrons
�?�· All membership services including subscription renewals, house accounts and member enquiries are to be managed via the Pro Shop.
Ã??Ã?· Non-essential admin staff will be working split rosters that include “working from home” shifts. This is designed to minimise staff interaction and further mitigate risk of transmission throughout staff and membership
�?�· The administration will be physically closed (ie. Door closed, not taking visitors, meeting suppliers)
�?�· The office will be open on Wednesday afternoons and Saturday mornings for member enquiries. However, the best place for all member enquiries will be the Pro Shop
�?�· Should the administration be required the appropriate forms of contact are via telephone on 9580-1008 or emails can be sent to the below addresses
I trust that all members understand that we have implemented these changes in the best interest of the entire Rossdale community. We will endeavour to keep members informed as information and circumstances change.
Andrew Noonan
General Manager
Golf Australia and GMA communication regarding COVID-19
Member, Guest and Staff travel advice
If your members or guests have recently returned from overseas, they are now required by law to self-isolate for 14 days upon their return, as of midnight on Sunday, March 15. During this period, they should not visit your facility for any reason.
If – in the 14 days prior to Sunday, March 15 – your members or guests have recently returned from or transited through China, Iran, Italy, Japan, Mongolia or South Korea, we recommend that they do not visit your facility for any reason – including use of the golf course only – until the 14 day period has elapsed.
We further recommend that if – in the 14 days prior to Sunday March 15 – members or guests recently returned from or who have transited through Cambodia, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand or from a cruise holiday and who are experiencing flu-like symptoms do not visit your facility, including use of the golf course only, for 14 days.
For simple, easy to understand advice for your members and guests including important health tips, you can also refer to the World Health Organisation’s advice for the public website.
Member, Guest and Staff health advice
Golf clubs and facilities are often heavily trafficked, and there is a chance that a member, guest or member of your staff will be exposed to, or test positive to, COVID-19.
It is vitally important that if a member, guest or staff member tests positive to COVID-19, they must inform the club/facility as soon as possible. If this has occurred, anyone testing positive will be contacted by the State/Territory Department of Health in relation to contact tracing. You should then take advice on ongoing facility operations from your State/Territory Department of Health.
Golf club competition advice
Golf Australia is not currently advocating for regular club competitions to cease and we are encouraging that these continue. However, it will be important to continue to monitor Federal and State Government announcements over the coming days that may impact on golf operations. This advice must also be viewed through the prism of the mass gathering ban put in place on Wednesday, March 18.