COVID-19 Clubhouse and Course Update
Golf Course
Over the previous few weeks we have recieved consistent member feedback regarding the following two issues;
1 – Members ability to book a game on Saturdays
2 – Time sheets opening while members are working
The operational team and match committee have been consitently meeting to try and maximise members ability to enjoy the club facilities. However, we are still operating under the guidelines of the state government and a unprecedented global pandemic. We undersatnd thay everyone would like things to go back to normal as soon as possible, however for now this is not achievable.
That being said with the easing of government restirctions we will be looking to include approximately 24 more people onto the timesheets each Saturday as of 27th June.
In addtion, to make it fair for everyone to gain access to online booking. The following opening times will change immediately:
– Saturday time sheet will now open on the prior Thursday at 6:00pm
– Sunday time sheet will now open on the prior Thursday at 6:30pm
The government has flagged the opportunity to further ease restrictions throughout July. To further increase member access our aim is to begin shotgun starts as soon as possible which we anticipate will increase playing numbers by a further 24 spots.
Beginning on Monday the 22nd of July the following restrictions will take place;
– The limit will increase to 50 patrons per enclosed space subject to one person per four square metres.
– Groups of up to 20 guests can dine together, while remaining 1.5m apart.
– Alcohol can be served without a meal when seated
– Collecting peoples name, phone numbers and time of arrival will still be required if you wish to sit on the deck or in the members bar
As such competition of the day announcements will resume.
Again, we thank all of our members for their understanding through this time. Our administration team are as excited as you for things to return back to normal but until this is possible, we will continue to work within the guidelines that will maintain member and staff safety.