Enews – 11th April 2020

10th April 2020 - Latest News, Members, Rossdale News

Club Services Update

The club has received a number of emails and calls from members enquiring about when the club anticipates to open. The current social environment is changing quickly and in a lot of cases the Government releases information to the public before we receive information from both our governing bodies in Community Clubs Victoria and Golf Australia. For members that wish to keep updated on changes through these two bodies the links are provided below. However the club will continue to give you updates when we learn new information. 

CCV: http://ccv.net.au

GA: https://www.golf.org.au/covid-19/

Even though the course and clubhouse have been closed now for a little over a week, the staff are doing their best to ensure the members return to an improved facility. The inside of the Clubhouse is currently getting its annual face lift after a busy summer function period and work on the member locker rooms and members area will continue as planned. The course team will also undertake a number of projects to ensure the course is in the best possible shape for all members to return to. Most notable of these projects will be the final stage of the clubs 3 year tree strategy. 

We will keep members informed in the coming weeks of the operational teams progress via various photos and videos that the team are currently piecing together.

Easter Monday Update 

The Club apologies for causing any member confusion in regard to the Easter Monday timesheets. The time sheet automatically opened two weeks before the day as part of an automated system. This was closed as soon as possible, but did give the chance for members to book in. The Club and Course will remain closed throughout the Easter period.   

Member Support

During these times if any members are stuck in isolation or are feeling as though they need support, please contact the Club as our staff have indicated a willingness to help. Staff are more that happy to make home deliveries for any members requiring assistance in getting essential items from the grocery stores or paying bills etc. 

Please don’t hesitate to reach out and our staff will be there to help. 

P: 9580 1008

E: golf@rossdalegolf.com.au 

E: rgc.membership@rossdalegolf.com.au

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The Clubhouse getting a much deserved face lift


Twilight Competition Results 

The twilight season started off with a bang with over 50 people competing on a regular basis for the grand prize! Although this season was cut short we have still been able to collate the data and determine the top 10 players for this year!

A MASSIVE congratulations to Grant Boyle who came first with 210 points followed by Shane Potter and one of Rossdale‘s own staff members, Luke Holding. 

Grant wins $1000 towards his house account, Shane $500 and Luke $250.

Thank you everyone for being involved this year! We can not wait to make the next Twilight competition unforgettable!! 

1   Grant Boyle 210
2   Shane Potter 201
3   Luke Holding 196
4   Steve Haire 195
5   Doug Kennedy 190
6   Sam Ralph 186
7   Christian Turner 184
8   Andeau Bowley 183
9   Jack Charnley 179
10   Anneke Thompson 171

Office Hours over Easter

The office will be closed from Friday the 10th to Tuesday the 14th for the Easter break. All emails and phone calls will be returned as soon as possible on the Wednesday. 

If you would like to contact us at the Club after Easter please call between 9:00am to 4:00pm Tuesday to Friday. If you happen to call and no one is available please leave a message and we will endeavor to get back to you as soon as possible. Also please note that we will have the following emails regularly monitored throughout the isolation period. 

golf@rossdalegolf.com.au – Michael to help with any golf needs

rgc.membership@rossdalegolf.com.au – Lucy to help with your membership or event needs

Indoor Isolation – Putting Drills

While we are unable to get out on the golf course our Director of Golf Michael Moore has put together some videos to help your putting. They will take you through your setup to your stroke and then some drills to simulate a similar pressure that you feel on those must make putts on course

(Click on the link to be redirected to the indoor video’s)

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Course Report

With limited staff and split shifts the question I get asked the most is “I suppose all you can do is mow?” How very wrong!!

The onset of the cooler weather in autumn can lead to a peak in turf disease activity and that is what we are experiencing right now. In order to have the course in as good a condition as possible, when play returns. Multiple chemical application are being carried out.

The keys to the spray tank are more like a relay baton, between Dan and myself, (after sanitization of course).

Greens – the preventative fungicide program has been successful and will continue, along with a herbicide application targeting winter weeds and hydro cotyle.

Tees and green surrounds – have received an application of fungicide as a curative for Dollar spot and a preventative for winter fusarium

Fairways – all fairways have received an insecticide application to try and eliminate black beetle, stem weevil and the type before they hibernate for winter. In the aim that less reappear come the warmer months.

Bunkers and paths – all bunker have been blanket sprayed with a knockdown herbicide

Mowing – in order to try to reduce the amount of mowing required, I have trialled poisoning large areas of rough that are predominately out of play. Results from this trial will be more obvious in a week or so.

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Stuck in home Isolation?

While you are unable to get out on any golf courses in Victoria The Hack hitting net can become your new best friend.

Folds away and can be pretty much set up anywhere.

RRP – $349.95 Purchase now through RGC $315


PGA Tour Chipping net – $45.00

WellPutt Matt from $199

Orders: golf@rossdalegolf.com.au

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Titleist Ball Promotion!

If you are low on balls, this promotion will see you well into Summer. 

Purchase 3 dozen balls and receive 1 dozen for free!

Balls can also be personalised!

*Not valid with any other offer

Orders: golf@rossdalegolf.com.au

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